January 12, 2015

New Year, New Milestones

1st Milestone:
Today is the first day my girl starts her playschool...big girl already...going to school already!

Officially she is only 3 1/4 years old but since she's born in 2011, she's considered 4 years old.

First time since she's born...I felt a bit lonely and didn't know what to do with my time for those few short hours she's at school. My boy (now standard 4) is also at school so the house is quiet and peaceful...for a short while, before both of them finish school.

2nd Milestone:
My girl is 'half potty trained' before she started school. Now she's fully potty trained during the day time (night time still in diapers to prevent accidents...for now).

Am more relaxed this time around and let her decide when she's ready to be diaperless. Then, one day she decided she's ready and refused to wear her diapers during day time. Phew...just in time because her school expects her to be potty trained by now.

3rd Milestone:
I am happy to say that I managed to fully breastfeed my girl and wean her off last week...just in time for school. She refused to drink fresh goat's milk or soy milk. Luckily she enjoys an organic blend of beans and grains 'milk' now.

It wasn't an easy journey...she refused to drink expressed breastmilk and reject the bottle. I had to bring her everywhere I go but with my ring sling, it made it easier. When she grew I bought a variety of baby wearing gears...ssc, meitai, wraps, hip carrier, etc.

I believe that because of breastfeeding and baby wearing my girl is much more healthy, calmer and confident compared to her brother.

I am blessed to be able to give this gift to my girl.

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