September 09, 2010

Do You Want To End Up Looking Like Mashed Bananas?

There are many shapes and sizes of bananas. Bananas tastes good whether they are eaten ripe, deep fried with batter (goreng pisang), blended into juices, sliced into ice-kacang or with ice-cream (banana boat). They are very nutritious also

However, one picture you do not want to see is a mashed banana. Not a pretty sight to behold

Well, you may end up looking like a mashed banana if you do not drive safely

Lately, I noticed that there are more reckless drivers on the road. Doesn't matter if they are driving a car, motorcycle or heavy vehicle. They just weave in and out of lanes without turning the indication lights on and without caring if they might get knocked into. Driving over the speed limits on highways. Haphazardly parking at no parking areas, blocking the traffic. This is just to mention a few that I experienced since last week

Just this morning I drove my husband to the bus terminal at Bukit Jalil to catch a bus to Johor. He called me 2 hours and 30 minutes later to say he has reached the destination. Well, the trip should take at least 3 and a half hours! The bus driver must be in a great hurry to become Super Mashed Banana Man! Doesn't he care about the safety of his passengers in the bus?

Oh! I must tell you about yesterday. As I was driving home, a man on a motorcycle just weaved in front of my car, wanting to cut to the right most lane to get on the highway. I nearly knocked into him and when I press my car hon to warn him, he just look back at me and gave me a smile BUT he did not even slow down or avoid my car. He must be really asking for it!

So.... Please... Please.... Drive Safely and think about the safety and well-being of your family in the car with you and of those in the other cars on the same road as you are.

I would like to end with this greeting to all my friends: Have a great holiday and have a safe trip back home with your family!

Warm wishes,

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