August 21, 2009

Know the Difference between Cold and H1N1 symptoms

Here is some information I received from a good friend about H1N1.

Not 100% correct but if you are having all the following symptoms, please take more precautions and stay home.

Useful info on H1N1.

Know the Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms



Swine Flu


Fever is rare with a cold.

Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.


A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.

A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).


Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.

Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.

Stuffy Nose

Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.

Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu.


Chills are uncommon with a cold.

60% of people who have the flu experience chills.


Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.

Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.


Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.

Sneezing is not common with the flu.

Sudden Symptoms

Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.

The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.


A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.

A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.

Sore Throat

Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.

Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.

Chest Discomfort

Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.

Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu..

Real story:

When children has fever, the Dr will prescribe the fever medicine to them for
consumption either in 4 or 6 hours time period. I think all of you guys know this very
well . Normally the fever will go down after taking the medicine,
but it will come back after 3 or 6 hours. But if its for H1N1 infection,
the fever will not go down after taking the medicine and it will
consistently stay at high temperature for hours. And if this condition persists
continuous for 48 hrs, then the possibility of H1N1 infection is very
high. For this case, I mean consistent high fever for 48 hrs, Dr will
straight away give the patient the H1N1 antiviral treatment, ie Tamiflu
treatment for period of 7 days.

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