December 12, 2009

Banana Nutrition

BANANA - This is my all time top superfood as it has some extremely powerful effects on the body and, as well as being high in minerals, will amaze you in more ways than one:

The fibre from unripe bananas reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol by up to 30%. The fibre in bananas is also helpful for constipation.

A ripe banana will soothe an upset stomach.

Bananas are a great energy source for the body which is instant and sustained.

Bananas can relieve heartburn.

They can also help decrease the risk of stroke by as much as 40%.

People suffering from depression feel better after eating a banana as the tryptophan in the banana is converted by the body into serotonin, which helps you relax, improves mood and makes you feel happier. Also helpful for people suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Bananas help to regulate blood glucose levels as they also contain the vitamin B6 and can also help with PMS.

Bananas contain iron and can help with anemia.

They are also great for high blood pressure as they are high in potassium and low in salt. The potassium can also help you feel more alert so good for children's packed lunches.

Bananas are great for hangovers - make a milkshake and add honey - the banana calms the stomach and the milk soothes and re-hydrates your body.

If suffering from morning sickness, a banana can help as it keeps blood sugar levels up.

The inside of a banana skin can reduce swelling and irritation from insect bites.

The B vitamins in bananas can help calm nerves.

Bananas are a great mid-morning snack, if watching your weight, as they keep sugar levels steady (great for diabetics), so you are less likely to crave a high carb snack.

If you suffer from Ulcers, bananas are great as they are gentle on the stomach, they neutralize over-acidity and reduce irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Bananas can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers.

If you are trying to give up smoking, bananas can help as the B6, B12, potassium and magnesium found in bananas help the body to recover from nicotine withdrawal.

Bananas contain potassium, which is a vital mineral for the body and affects heartbeat, oxygen to the brain and also regulates water balance. Stress depletes potassium, so bananas can be very valuable in rebalancing potassium levels.

You can get rid of a wart by taping the inside of the banana skin over it.

You can even shine your shoes with the inside of a banana skin, then polish with a dry cloth!

When you compare it to an apple, it has 4 times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, 3 times the phosphorus, 5 times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.

So, I think you'll agree with me that we should all 'go bananas' and try and eat more of this amazing health-giving fruit!

Author: Wendy A Wood
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December 10, 2009

Parenting Children - Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Parenting children is not easy! We all love our kids and want the best for them, right? But what if our habits and everyday behaviours are having a negative impact on our child's development? If you knew what you were doing wrong would you do something to change it? Would you want to be a better parent?

At school they stand out like beacons. They always arrive late to school looking like they just rolled out of bed. They don't have their homework completed on time and that important excursion note that was due back today remains unsigned in their school bag. They forgot to pack their lunch and aren't quite sure who is picking them up after school. Their belongings are un-named and not a day goes by without losing something. Their teachers label them as unreliable and their classmates would prefer to play with somebody else who isn't constantly in trouble.

What we might not see is the child's parent who makes a habit of turning up late to everything even when there is no real reason to do so. The parent who leaves everything to the last minute like ordering the school books for the new school year only to find that the book shop has run out of supplies and will need to back-order. The parent who never has time to read the school newsletter and doesn't realise that tomorrow is plain clothes day or that Monday is a pupil-free day. Parenting children to this parent is something you only need to think about after something goes wrong.

These are common traits of disorganisation found in most of us at some time or another. But when they become ingrained into our everyday functioning and spill over into our parenting then the impact on our children can be profound. The child of a chronically disorganised parent is often de-sensitized to preparing ahead for any event and will suffer the consequences both now and later in life. They will most likely find regimented school life difficult and will never enjoy the carefree feeling that today is going to be a good day. Instead, each day will be filled with the expectation that bad news is to come. With child depression at spiralling levels, parenting children the right way has never been more important.

The good news is that it is never too late to change. Put yourself in your child's shoes for a moment and think about how much easier his life would be if he had the skills to pre-plan and be organised. Now adopt that skill set in your own life first and show him by example how it is done. Parenting children isn't such a mystery. Get organised, be a better parent and both you and your child will reap the lifelong benefits.

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Provided by: Canada duty rates

December 05, 2009

Enjoy These Tips for Living a Healthy Life

What is more important than the way you feel? Is there anything more important? Your physical health, the way your body "feels", is probably the most important determining factor in the way you feel. Any feeling, weather it be physical or emotional is experienced through our bodies and by applying these simple tips for living a healthy life, the way you feel will vastly improve.

Psychoneuroimmunology, the science of the mind-body relationship, has now produced scientific evidence of the effect of your mind on your body and vice versa. Depressed people use their bodies in a certain way that causes them to feel depressed and by just changing simple things like their facial expressions, studies have shown, they can literally change the way they feel instantly.

The significance of this fact is that it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that our physical bodies have a tremendous effect on the way we feel both physically and emotionally. The one thing we are all pursuing in life is happiness and happiness is nothing but "feeling good." By following some basic tips for living a healthy life we can make significant changes in the way we feel physically, emotionally and mentally.

We've all heard the cliche "a healthy body houses a healthy mind" and thanks to scientific research we now know this for a fact. Also, the opposite is equally true: a healthy mind equals a healthy body. If we learn to be in control of our emotional association to food, we will automatically take care of our bodies. The instant satisfaction we get from junk food caused a lot of people to make pleasurable association (in their subconscious minds) to these foods that lead to overeating and addiction.

Living a healthy life starts with your body. If you take care of your body you will develop that sense of pride in yourself and the consequently the way you feel about yourself (or your self esteem).

With this in mind, let me offer you some very simple and basic tips for living a healthy life.

Firstly, realize the importance of oxygen to your body and your health. Breathing is not just to get oxygen to our vital organs. Every cell in your body requires oxygen for it's survival and health.

You are only as healthy as the cells in your body. In order to fully oxygenate our bodies we must learn to breathe deeply, fully and effectively. Deep, diaphragmatic breaths will, apart from oxygenating your system, stimulate the movement of lymph fluid through the body. Lymph is the body's natural cleansing system, essential to keeping your cells free from toxins and maintaining a healthy environment for the cells of your body to live in.

To breathe properly you must breathe in the following ratio: inhale(1) : hold(2) : exhale(4). For example inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 8 seconds and exhale for 16 seconds. Doing this simple exercise with 10 deep breaths 5 times a day will vastly increase your health, your energy and help maintain a healthy immune system.

Secondly, understand the importance of water to your body and health. Our bodies consist mainly of fluids and water, along with oxygen is the basis of all life. Taking sufficient amounts of water is essential for health and life, but also we need to avoid foods that drain our bodies from vital fluids. Foods that are high in sugar, salt, caffeine and preservatives will actually absorb fluids from your body causing certain vital functions to shut down. Eating foods that are naturally rich in water is essential and include all fruits, vegetables and sprouts.

Your body is your temple and what you put in is what you get out. Stop abusing it and adhere to these simple tips for living a healthy life. The very least you must do to life a healthy life is to stop depriving your body from the two most essential element, water and oxygen.

Applying these simple tips for living a healthy life will vastly improve your health and consequently the way you feel. When we feel good life is a pleasure and we suck from it all the juice. Life is a gift and know that tomorrow is not promised to you. Live everyday like it's your last and constantly seek out tips for living a healthy life and improving yourself and the quality of your life. It's all out there and the only thing that is required to have whatever you want from life is for you to go and get it. Just do it and do it with passion and joy.

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Provided by: Mobile device news

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