May 21, 2010

Check If You're Suffering From Heavy Metal Toxicity

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that "82% of all chronic degenerative diseases are caused by environmental exposure to toxic metals".

Heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium are extremely toxic to our cells, especially our brain cells and nerves as they tend to bio-accumulate in the body. This means that unless you take some drastic actions, the concentration of heavy metals in your body (or your child's) will increase as time goes by, until they reach a point where the metabolic functioning of crucial enzymes is disturbed or inhibited.

Use the checklist below to check if you're suffering from heavy metal toxicity.

Do you...
  • Frequently feel tired or often lack energy to do things you like
  • Sleep poorly or often wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed
  • Get depressed easily or suffer frequent mood swings
  • Suffer frequent headaches or migraines
  • Experience dizziness and ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Suffer from bleeding or sore gums
  • Experience forgetfulness, brain fog or difficulty concentrating
  • Experience muscle twitches or numbness and tingling sensation in your hands or legs
  • Suffer from sinus, hay fever, respiratory allergies or food allergies/intolerance
  • Suffer from TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) problems
  • Experience numbness or a burning sensation in your mouth or gums
  • Catch colds, flu or other infections easily
  • Have poor balance eg. difficulty standing on one foot with your eyes shut
  • Work as a dentist, dental assistant, printer, plumber, welder, miner, mechanic, petrol station attendant, metal worker, carpenter, electrician, hair dresser, painter or in a chemical, pesticide or herbicide factory or paper mill
  • Have 4 or more amalgam tooth fillings
  • Sometimes have a 'metallic' taste in your mouth
  • Generally don't feel well but was told by your doctor that 'There's nothing wrong with you!'
  • Have dull, sallow skin, pigmentation and age spots on the back of your hands
  • Suffer constipation or diarrhoea
  • Frequently suffer from bad breath or coated tongue
  • Have body odour
  • Experience lower back pain or suffer from a kidney condition
  • Experience frequent mood swings – get anxious or irritated easily
  • Experience chest pains even though your ECG, stress test, X-rays and heart check results turned out normal
  • Pass out stools that are sticky with mucous
  • Suffer from stiff neck, frozen shoulders or body aches and soreness
  • Have a low basal body temperature (below 36.9°C)
  • Have a rapid pulse rate or high blood pressure
  • Often find that prescribed antibiotics 'do not work'
  • Suffer from menstrual problems
  • Suffer from acne, skin rashes or eczema
  • Have brittle hair and nails

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