December 22, 2010

Families Enjoy Time Spent In Making Tang Yuan

TheStar Online (December 22, 2010)

IT IS a merry family affair whenever Lau Kwai Fong makes glutinuous rice balls (tang yuan) for the Winter Solstice festival.

Her daughters-in-law and grandchildren will gather at her home in Petaling Jaya to knead, roll and boil the tang yuan before bowls of the marble-sized balls are offered at the altar for prayers.

Lau, 80, has been making the glutinous rice balls from the time she got married.

Closely-knit: Samantha (second from left) feeding her grandmother Lau with the tang yuan while Lau’s other grandchildren Nicholas (left), Nigel (third from left) and Benjamin look on.
She insists that the tang yuan must be hand- made, which she does lovingly for the family.

December 08, 2010

Do You Quit Before You Even Get Started?

Watch this video and know that if you give your best in whatever you are doing... the sky's the limit.

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